Alton Apps Apps

Commenting for Imgur 1.2.1
Alton Apps
Commenting for Imgur separates createdcomments over the 140 character limit and automatically posts thecomments for you, with number indicators included, like "comment1/5".Currently planned for future releases:• Profile page• Settings• Favorite sorting• Searching different galleries• Messaging• Better uploading pageLeave a comment for any more things to potentially include.Disclaimer: “IMGUR” is a trademark of Imgur LLC and is used herefor informational purposes only. Commenting for Imgur is notaffiliated with Imgur and has not been reviewed or approved byImgur LLC.
Commentur for Imgur 1.1.3
Alton Apps
Commentur for Imgur separates created commentsover the 140 character limit and automatically posts the commentsfor you, with number indicators included, like "comment 1/5".Sorting favorites using a tagging system has been added. Justfavorite something and the tagging options should pop up.Note: Removing tags not yet implemented.Currently planned for future releases:• ̶F̶a̶v̶o̶r̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶r̶t̶i̶n̶g̶• Settings• Searching different galleries• Better uploading pageLeave a comment for any more things to potentially include.Disclaimer: “IMGUR” is a trademark of Imgur LLC and is used herefor informational purposes only. Commentur for Imgur is notaffiliated with Imgur and has not been reviewed or approved byImgur LLC.